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SBMPTN Agroecology is also defined differently according to geographic location. in the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. north american and european uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. in these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals.

Agroecology is also defined differently according to geographic location. in the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming knowledge of indigenous populations. north american and european uses of the term sometimes avoid the inclusion of such overtly political goals. in these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals.

In these cases, agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social goals. So people's aspirations of agroecology differs significantly.


Paragraf atau alinea adalah rangkaian gagasan  berbentuk  kalimat yang saling berkaitan. Nama lain  paragraf adalah wacana mini. Tujuan paragraf adalah untuk menandai permulaan suatu topik baru dan untuk memisahkan gagasan utama yang berbeda. Gagasan utama atau gabungan kalimat yang mengandung gagasan utama  dan beberapa pemikiran pendukung adalah makna sebuah paragraf. Paragraf KBBI adalah bagian dari sebuah karangan bab dan biasanya berisi ide utama dan memulai pada baris baru. Sebuah paragraf mengandung makna, pernyataan pikiran, gagasan utama (main idea), atau gagasan utama yang berhubungan dengan gagasan utama keseluruhan karangan. Ini berisi beberapa klausa utama yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menguraikan dan menjelaskan ide-ide utama esai Anda.

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